MBCL Supervision and qualified MBCL Supervisors
Supervision is mandatory for the MBCL certificate and essential for your development as an MBI-teacher. Below you find the register of qualified MBCL supervisors to guide you.
The importance of supervision and ongoing development teaching Mindfulness-Based Interventions
In recent years, on an international level, more and more value is placed on good practice and embodiment of Mindfulness-Based Interventions (MBI) and competence domains of an MBI teacher – as described in the MBI Teacher Assessment Criteria (MBI-TAC, Crane et al. 2012).
To ensure a good international connection and from progressive insight, that for many teachers supervision during teaching a first MBCL training is not a luxury but a necessity, we developed a corresponding MBCL certification policy. It takes into account the importance of Mindfulness-Based Supervision (MBS) in teaching mindfulness and compassion and therefore makes a minimum of 3 sessions of one hour supervision sessions (face-to-face or online video meeting) with a registred MBCL supervisor mandatory for obtaining the MBCL certificate.
Please note: Supervision is not required for health care professionals, therapists, coaches or other professionals who participated in the Teacher Training and wish to work with MBCL exercises and themes within the professional ethics and guidelines of their own profession. However, seeking supervision can still be desirable.
Independently of this, we consider ongoing supervision as an essential foundation of personal and professional development in teaching mindfulness and compassion.
Please search our database below to find a registered MBCL supervisor speaking your language.
If you are looking for more information about supervision for teaching MBCL you find FAQs at the bottom of this page.
Find a MBCL Supervisor
Please use the filter function to find a qualified MBCL supervisor in our database.
For more information please click the “+” in front of the language.
FAQ: Supervision for teaching MBCL
How do I become an certified MBCL teacher?
To become a certified MBCL teacher (and be included in the International Register for Certified MBCL Teachers on this webside), you have to teach an MBCL group course with at least four participants and a minimum of three hours of accompanying supervision after participating in the MBCL Teacher Training. Aim of the supervision is to support supervisees in teaching MBCL so that they can offer the course independently.
Are there formal guidelines MBCL Supervisors follow?
As long as no formal guidelines have been formulated internationally, the Good Practice Guidelines for Supervisors of Mindfulness-Based Teachers formulated by BAMBA, the British Association of Mindfulness-Based Approaches, serve as guidelines for MBCL Supervisors.
Click here for the BAMBA Good Practice Guidelines.
Are there formal guidelines I have to follow, when teaching MBCL Courses?
As long as no formal guidelines have been formulated internationally, the Good Pracice Guidelines for Teaching Mindfulness-Based Courses formulated by BAMBA, the British Association of Mindfulness-Based Approaches, can serve as guidelines.
Click here for the BAMBA Good Practice Guidelines.
What areas can be reflected upon in MBCL supervision?
Supervisees can bring in themes themselves, depending on their learning needs. The six competence domains as described in the MBI-TAC by Crane et al. (2012) are fully applicable to MBCL and can be a valuable resource when considering areas for development.
Providing and organising the MBCL programme to the target group at an appropriate pace.
Relational skills.
Embodiment of mindfulness and compassion (embodiment).
Guiding MBCL practices.
Communicating MBCL themes through interactive inquiry (mindful dialogue) and didactic teaching.
Facilitating a safe atmosphere and constructive learning environment (holding).
The full version of MBI-TAC and last updates can be found here.
How do supervisees bring in material?
The supervisor may ask the supervisee to send an e-mail with specific questions and/or themes for explorations no later than 2-3 days before a scheduled supervision session. At the second and third session, supervisees can also be asked to send a short reflection report with insights from the previous conversation and how they worked with this during the course.
Will there be a formal evaluation at the end of the MBCL supervision process?
No formal assessment takes place because supervisees have already followed a certification process for mindfulness teaching. Certified mindfulness teachers are themselves considered capable of assessing when they can add additional mindfulness-based interventions to their repertoire. However, the supervisor can make recommendations based on the impression of a supervisee during the MBCL supervision process.
When in doubt about the competencies of a supervisee, the supervisor will discuss this with the supervisee. The supervisor can then recommend additional training, practice and/or supervision. In consultation with the supervisee, the supervisor can also seek advice from Frits Koster or Erik van den Brink or other senior MBCL tutors.
What will the supervisor charge me?
No fixed rate is prescribed as in different countries there are considerable differences regarding what is common and reasonable. Supervisors will orientate themselves towards the rates recommended by their national mindfulness teachers associations. Contracting and invoicing procedures are to be discussed individually with the supervisor.
How can I be included in the International Register for certified MBCL teachers?
After the successful completion of the MBCL certification course accompanied by at least three one-hour of supervision sessions, the supervisor will send an email to the responsible coordinator Jana Willms (info@achtsamkeit-willms.de) and in cc to the supervisee, stating that the supervisee is recommended for inclusion in the International Register for certified MBCL teachers.
The supervisee then has to send a corresponding email to the responsible coordinator Jana Willms (info@achtsamkeit-willms.de) asking for inclusion in the international register and submitting a contact option (website, email or pdf file) to be published in the register. A copy of a document or a link to a recognised mindfulness institute stating the supervisee is certified to teach MBSR, MBCT or another recognized Mindfulness-Based Programme, as well as a copy of the certificate of participation in the MBCL Teacher Training must be attached.

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