Global MBCL Cooperations
Explore our global MBCL cooperations with leading institutes and organizations worldwide, fostering compassionate living across the globe.
Institute for Mindfulness-Based Approaches
Global Compassion Coalition
Brazil: Instituto Plenativamente
France: Euthymia
Germany: Institut für Achtsamkeit
Lithuania: Neuromedicinos Institutas Kaunas
Netherlands & Belgium:
Gentleminds Institute for Compassion
Poland: https://mbcl-polska.pl
Facebook: https://facebook.com/waszauwaznoscszkoleniatrenerskie
Instagram: @martampepol_compassion
Spain: Mindfulness con corazón
Turkey: Mindfulness Institute Istanbul
United Kingdom: Mindfulness Network

New: International MBCL SiTT Group
We are delighted to announce a new online peer-supervision / intervision group, in collaboration with SiTT for all who have attended a Mindfulness-Based Compassionate Living Teacher Training. SiTT - Support for Integrity in Teaching and Training - is a peer-led...

MBCL-research under the spotlight in Wales, Prague and China 2024
Interest in the effects and mechanisms of MBCL in people with (recurrent) depression seems to have increased significantly internationally. It seems that MBCL, as a continuation of MBCT, can have a clear added value for people with (recurrent) depression. This is...

How to forgive yourself and others – Mindfulness-Based Training in Forgiveness
As human beings, we all sometimes find it difficult to understand and accept things that have gone wrong – either by ourselves or by others. We may then dwell in blaming, resentment or bitterness, and we usually do not become happier as a result. The meaning and value...